Under the Charter of Aged Care Rights and the Aged Care Quality Standards, aged care providers must recognise and value your identity, culture, and diversity. Care and services must be culturally safe. When providers don’t meet these requirements it’s okay to speak up.
That means, when accessing aged care services, you can reasonably expect to
- communicate in your own language (e.g. ask a service provider to organise an interpreter)
- practice your culture and lifestyle (e.g. ask a service provider to schedule personal care outside of my prayer times)
- eat the sort of food you are accustomed to/or that meets your religious requirements (e.g. kosher food)
- be able to fully express yourself without fear of judgement or reprisal.
If you require an interpreter, contact one of the services below
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) – 131 450
Aboriginal Interpreter Service (AIS) – 1800 334 944
Kimberley Interpreting Service (KIS) – 08 9192 3981
If you are deaf and/or find it hard to speak to people on the phone, use the National Relay Service and select your preferred access point. You can access interpreting or captioning services, through Deaf Connect. To make a booking, call 1300 773 803 or email interpreting@deafconnect.org.au
Diversity and inclusion in aged care
Learn more about the importance of diversity and inclusivity being embedded in aged care service. Click on the ‘CC’ button to turn on captions and the ‘V’ icon for full screen.
Documents and external links
Learn more about ensuring your diverse life experience is respected. These documents and websites offer help, strategies, and practical information. Brief descriptions are provided for each document or link.

OPAN webinars
Watch OPAN’s webinars on meeting diverse needs, including cultural, LGBTI+, First Nations communities and people living with disability.
There is an OPAN webinar series on navigating aged care services for Forgotten Australians and Care Leavers.

Consumer dignity and choice resource
In-depth guidance on Standard 1 of the Aged Care Quality Standards, consumer dignity and choice.

Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
Browse the Centre website to access multilingual resources, aged care services directory and education.

10 questions for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander People to ask when seeking residential aged care
Download this leaflet for guidance and questions to consider when seeking residential aged care for Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander People. You may find it helpful to speak to your local Elders Council, Land Council or Aboriginal Medical Service as a starting point when choosing which homes to view. Word of mouth is also important so ask around in your local community.

10 questions to ask about your cultural needs in residential aged care
Download this leaflet when considering an aged care home that will provide you with care that is culturally and linguistically responsive, inclusive, sensitive and meets your individual needs.

10 questions to ask about Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex needs in residential aged care
Download this leaflet which provides questions and guidance to help when deciding which residential aged care facilities to visit. You can check their website or ask for documents to see if they include information on LGBTI+ inclusion.